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Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 21 September 2017

Chasing what you need, and what you really want, is a challenge. It is like so because many times we aren’t brave enough to face our own truth, or we aren’t ready enough to listen to ourselves. However, reading IKIGAI by Francesc Miralles and Héctor García was the first step, for me, to understand why I get up from bed each morning, what is it that really brings me joy, what is my purpose in life. I must confess that I’m not sure I’ve already discovered it, because the hard thing, for me, is to find only one thing that inspires me. That’s why the publication of FINDING YOUR IKIGAI hits the mark.

A second book, by the same authors, where they tell you how to put into practice that theory or, if you already know which is your IKIGAI, Francesc and Héctor teach you how to embrace it and exploit it. In order to achieve it, they suggest thirty-five routes, with practical exercises and essential lessons to get what you want and reach that peace of mind that you truly need in life. This is the only way, according to the authors and what they’ve learned from this Japanese philosophy. Happiness and wellbeing, something that everyone wants to reach, can come up naturally within us. Penguin Random House and Ara Llibres publish this practical part, which isn’t a sequel per se, but an ‘extra’ to those who’ve already found their IKIGAI and want to have the tools to strengthen it, take care of it, and be honest with themselves to finally do what they really want to do.

It’s a path, a training session, but I can assure you that it’s worthy of it, and that the change, which doesn’t happen out of a sudden, it’s like a balsam that helps us live within this society –more stressed and convulsed each day that goes by. If you know how to use the right tools, that magic word that is happiness and that many people never get to discover, will appear in a natural way. We all carry it in our DNAs, but we have to discover it, uncork it and nourish it to the best of our abilities. We only have one life and we need to learn how to enjoy it. Today, right here and right now, not tomorrow. No one said that it was going to be easy, but it doesn’t have to be difficult either, you simply need to want it -which you can decide whenever you want. It’s in your hands, it’s up to you, that’s why Francesc and Héctor show us the way with guidelines, because it’s very easy to read the theory, but another thing is to put it into practice. But, trust me, you’ll be able to reach your IKIGAI and make it huge.

IKIGAI (Urano in Spanish and in Catalan) and EL MÉTODO IKIGAI / FINDING YOUR IKIGAI (Penguin Random House in Spanish and Ara Llibres in Catalan) are two bedside books to put in your backpack and travel with them. Reread them whenever you need to, because life is a rollercoaster and keeping balance is hard, but not impossible. You just have to go for it.

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