This year my eleven year old son already has to change schools; a change into adolescence, a different friends, different environment. He doesn’t like it. It’s completely normal, he feels like he’s in a comfort zone now, and he’s “afraid” of what he doesn’t know. I understand him perfectly because the same happens to me with a lot of things in life and maybe even with less important changes, like changing my routine for a week, changing a plan that was already thought out, or even having to start something new. People like us don’t assimilate change very well and it affects us more than it should, and most of the time, the changes are positive and even convenient. Because we have to face the mandatory changes no matter what, but the rest are challenges, dreams that we don’t dare to comply, because we’re scared, we’re comfortable or because it’s easier not to do anything.
We all have that list of things to do that we never end up doing for one reason or another, it’s “better” to stay in a no-risk zone. Therefore, it was the perfect chance for me to read the book “¿Y si realmente pudieras? La fuerza de tu determinación” by Pilar Jericó, because it explains what determination is, that we all have it because we’re born with it, and that what we need is to awaken it and be ourselves to accomplish this wish list, that these decisions we know we have to make but resist to do so can be easily made with our determination and it’s easier than we think. It’s a method that can apply to anyone and that Pilar has tested on thousands of students, readers and the people around her. This action-reaction thing becomes true when you get rid of the obstacles and the difficulties and discover the qualities you thought you’d never have. You just have to believe in yourself and that force called determination can plunge you to achieve what you want.
So from now on, I’ll try to show my son that next year he should dive into a new life and the positive things that this change will bring. And each morning, I’ll try to say to myself that I should face my daily challenges without being scared, and with determination, holy word that has become essential in the dictionary of my life. Thanks to Pilar for turning what seems complicated into something easy and for leaving us that inherent knowledge in your words, and for teaching us how to do it with such perseverance. Like you did with your best-seller NO MIEDO, here you’re able to make us all fall in love again, which is necessary in the society we live in nowadays. So I encourage you to read this book so your dreams or goals will come true. The answer is within you, not in a magic wand, which is really fantastic.