The publishing world is attractive. People who don’t work there often ask you questions about the authors and the processes. Eyes from outside are always curious, and they believe that the world of literature is glamorous. I am not saying is not that way but only at very specific moments, because the reality, the day-to-day, are made of another kind of moments.
Every day, it is increasingly difficult to find an editor who does not have to work as a manager and a thousand other things that would not be typical of his job. Therefore, the figure of the classic editor has disappeared. Consequently, we have also lost the love for a story, for a character.
Obviously, this is still a business, but it must also be a passion: it has to lead us to want to find those books that will steal the hearts of our readers. Many times I think that it is more and more complicated to do this, but it is the most beautiful thing about this job. Without leaving mathematics aside, because we cannot be naive or reckless, we should be able to equilibrate the balance so that letters are more important than numbers.
The novel EL ABISMO (the abysm) by Carla Gràcia is about the crisis of a writer who, after a huge success, has no more ideas, which can happen because the level of demand is always higher on the part of the publisher and the public, and many writers feel vertigo. In addition, the main character come from nowhere, from a complicated childhood, a mother who abandons him when he’s a young boy. After his literary success, Octavi getmanages to live well in a flat in Barcelona but he is unhappy, as his marriage and family collapse.

Octavi Fonseca has run out of ideas and his editor suggests him to take the idea of an unknown author. At this very moment that this dilemma makes him live badly, two policemen show up in his house to announce that his mother, with whom he had no relationship, has appeared dead and with a message for him.
A novel with a noir plot that raises the case of plagiarism as a tool to talk about how we are influenced by where we come from. About the literary creation and its complicated web, and how the strongest people always try to take advantage of the weakest. An impeccable narration that consolidates an author with a bright future. Without any doubt, one of the agency’s bets for this autumn, which is full of interesting voices, fresh and different.