As time goes by, I notice more and more that THE POWER OF WORDS is one of the most important superpowers that we could have, but as any hero has this power in Marvel, it goes unnoticed, but I can assure you that it is a basic power in the society that we live in.
How and when you say things can change your day, change a moment or even a relationship. Nevertheless, when we are kids, they teach us how talk, to put a word after another, but no one teach us to communicate correctly what we want to say and that sometimes, it is not easy to explain. If they taught us this superpower when we are young, thing would be better and it is what Puri Heranández, writer and marvelous illustrator, has done in her book “Sofia and The Wild Word”.
Sofia starts the day in a bad mood and every hour that passes it gets worse. She has so much anger that when she gets home, the little Sofia lets a wild, dark, terrible word slip through her mouth, and it grows without control and destroys drawings, birthdays and hurts her best friends. How can this situation stop? In this beautiful story we will be able to see that even the wild words can be tamed with calm and measured words that will be able to redirect situations that seemed impossible to solve.
An endearing story with beautiful illustrations that opens to us the door to the world of communication and language to be able to always use the right word at the right time. It is not easy, but it can be learned. Let’s start with this book. An amazing present for this Christmas.