According to the World Health Organization, every 40 seconds someone commits suicide in the world. This headline struck me, but what made me reflect was the fact that the highest suicide rate happens in countries with a high income and that it is the second cause of death among people between the ages of 15 and 29, after traffic accidents.
It chills me to think about such figures and to conceive so many people wanting to kill themselves and actually doing so. That is why, when Francesc Miralles let me know that he had read in the New York Times that there was a Japanese man who lived in a cabin by rocky mountains where many people came to kill themselves and he offered some tea and a chat in his cabin, I thought that Francesc would be able to make a great story out of that fact. And he committed to writing it, but only with the help of another great name in the agency, Ángeles Doñate, who is outstanding at describing feelings. Thus, here is another wonderful story by this fantastic tandem Miralles-Doñate, who is always successful, who explains in UN TÉ PARA CURAR EL ALMA, published by Zenith editorial, how this man manages, with a chat and some tea, to convince someone to fight for life. Different characters strip before some tea and a main plot guides us to this spot halfway between eerie and magic where the characters’ feelings and the humble advice of someone who lives alone, provide us with a deep story that leaves its mark. Thank you for treating this topic with the necessary warmth and for the advice the reader gets between lines.
A novel which heals the heart and the soul.