I am especially excited about the book I recommend today, as after the international success of IKIGAI, its authors, Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia have dared to write a book for the teenagers who need answers, the parents who need to know how to provide such answers and for educators or pedagogues who need the tools to guide them. A short book which is clear and beautiful as well as useful. In a context such as the current one, this book makes more sense than ever. The uncertainty of what is to come is the big question every day and, for teenagers, who find it difficult to know what path to follow and what to study, this book is a wonderful guide to discover their aims in life. This is something that many adults do not know yet, it is complex and therefore it is natural to feel stress of anxiety before such matters. Through the trip of the main character, readers will learn to boost their talents and discover their path in life.
I am certain that if I did not have a father like mine, reader and with beliefs that could well be taken form a self-help manual, but which are actual life lessons, I might have been unable to start an agency and start this project. I am sure he would be a reader and recommender of IKIGAI FOR YOUNG READERS to share ideas which seem easy to learn but difficult to apply. I am lucky that he has always helped me and has known how to do so, but for those who do not have that ability, this book is a treasure, a compass for a world that has turned into an uphill battle, even if we are able to reach the top if we really aim for it. The keys can be found in this book of gorgeous edition, published by Destino in Spanish and Fan Books in Catalan. We thank them both for such a lovely and refined edition.