Some time ago I decided to surround myself with people with a positive energy. Those who always smile, see the bottle full, with a positive vibe. As Marian Rojas would say, vitamin people. I try to be one, as I believe that someone who helps others also helps themselves. These people, with endless positive energy, who don not complain even with the worst disasters and solve, act, and keep dreaming. I always wonder if they have a secret and Xenia Vives with her book TENER SUERTE EN LA VIDA DEPENDE DE TI, published in Catalan by Editorial Columna and in Spanish by Aguilar provides the answer: they are people whose well-being does not depend on others or on external elements. They know that being lucky depends on them and they follow the philosophy HAPPY GO LUCKY.
Xenia explains in an easy and effective way, with humor and practical advice, how to live your life following this philosophy and succeed at:
- Attracting fortune with a positive and relaxed attitude.
- Being satisfied with your life, making the most of the opportunities.
- Not depending on the external circumstances, other people’s opinions, or absurd compromises.
- Freeing yourself from toxic thoughts. You will stop overthinking circular ideas that do not lead anywhere.
- Understanding that only 10% of the luck in life depends on what happens. The other 90% depends on what you make of it.
- Getting rid of bad emotional habits to become a Happy-Go-Lucky person.
If none of these six elements appeal to you, it is clear you do not need this book. But if you wish for at least one, it is worth knowing Xenia’s methodology and to join the HAPPY GO LUCKY philosophy. Only with more happy people we will make “fortune” reign in this complex world which can become easier to manage if one knows how to. Do you dare to read it? You lose nothing and gain a lot. Namaste Xenia.