Anxiety is the big word. The most used among all of us who go through life against the clock. Who doesn’t feel pressure in their chest? Nerves? Almost all of us have worries or things that make us anxious, and we can all be affected by anxiety at some time or another. Not for nothing is it one of the most common mental afflictions in the West, which can present itself as a simple annoyance but sometimes becomes a huge black cloud that prevents us from living as we want.
Ferran Cases, expert in anxiety, invites us to explore the patterns that lead us to feel anxious and teaches us how to change them. All this in small and accessible steps, which the author presents in the form of a staircase of stages to overcome. Step by step, we will learn to breathe, to calm our inner voice and control catastrophic thoughts, to soak up the importance of physical exercise or mindfulness, to cultivate habits that allow us to keep moving forward. The way out of anxiety is to know ourselves and redirect our way of interpreting the world, and we just have to have the courage to take the first step. In this new edition, completely revised and expanded, Cases includes new exercises and five additional steps that, based on the philosophical principle of stoicism (a doctrine based on the mastery of facts and passions that disturb life), use the courage and reason of personal character to help us conquer the art of true happiness.
Ferran is on the seventh edition of EL CEREBRO DE LA GENTE FELIZ (THE BRAINS OF HAPPY PEOPLE) and 8 countries, Brazil, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, Greece, Italy and Poland, have chosen to translate it. Ferran’s experience, backed up by a neuroscientist, Sara Teller, led to this practical and necessary book. In EL PEQUEÑO GRAN LIBRO DE LA ANSIEDAD (THE LITTLE BIG BOOK OF ANXIETY), Ferran provides us with the tools he has learned and how to apply them, after listening to experts on the subject and going through his own personal experience. An effective technique, for all of us who ever feel that uncomfortable feeling called anxiety, that invades us and sometimes paralyzes us. Climbing Ferran’s steps is a therapy that can help us when we are anxious about our daily tasks, when we are somewhat overwhelmed, and if we follow these steps we could get to control it. Therefore, this is a necessary book for most of us. It will not disappoint you.