The incredible adventure of Jack and the abandoned zoo
It’s almost summer, we are about to start our vacations, and one of the things many parents want is for their children to read. My first piece of advice would be for the children to see that behavoir at home; therefore, every Family member should go on vacations with a book in their suitcase, and dedicate time to read. For me it is one of the best moments of the day. Reading is one of the best pleasures, and it hooks. Besides, if you have a story that captivates you, it is one of the best addictions in life.
However, we have to give children something to have fun with, and Sacha Azcona is a specialist in this. With his new title, LA INCREÍBLE AVENTURA DE JACK Y EL ZOO ABANDONADO, he manages to bring a smile to anyone’s face, because the reader falls in love with that lion that had no teeth and that, instead of being scary, made them laugh. They meet a very bad boy, but bad, bad, bad, bad. With a mute giraffe, in love with a blind bat, and with a man who painted green horses. What more do you want? Well, there’s more, as we meet a man who traveled the world and fought a shark the size of a truck. And a wonderful boy named Jack, and a little Chihuahua dog named Frufrú. With this cast of characters, children enter this magical world and do not want these adventures to end and are able to read the story over and over again, until they find no more adventures of these wonderful characters. So this recommendation is for the little ones in the family, who have had fun with crazy movies like Jumanji, and can do just as well or better with books like this one.