I have always loved astrology and I used to buy all the books dedicated to this subject, the good ones, and the not so good ones, although I realised that later on. However, meeting Elva Abril has changed the way of seeing astrology, from a more professional point of view. She also helped me understand how astrology can be your best ally to discover the unconscious fears that block your relationships and get the love you deserve. It is, in short, a tool for self-knowledge, although many do not see it this way.
Are you one of those people who read their horoscope to find out which sign you are more in tune with, or if today is going to be the day you will find your soulmate? I know many of you do, and by reading Elva‘s book you will understand that the position of the moon in our birth chart helps us understand how we interact, reveals our childhood wounds and how we experienced our first love: that of our mother (or equivalent person), a model that we will repeat in all our relationships. If you identify and heal your own patterns, you can open the door to good love, to having a healthy and happy relationship.
Elva explains in a very entertaining way that there are twelve lunar patterns, twelve unconscious fears that define how we relate to each other. Becoming aware of them, and of the planets with which they interact, is essential to, if it suits us, change them and access good relationships, in which both members of the couple form a team and therefore their relationship grows from a solid place. With examples of celebrities and explained from scratch, without having to know anything about astrology, you will be able to understand why your relationships never work or why they have worked so well. It is a book for everyone, because as Elva says: “We all want love, we all want to learn how to improve our relationship with our emotions because in the end life is all about relationships! Starting with the one we have with ourselves”.
A very special book that opens a world that many want to tiptoe around, and in which Elva proves what astrology can bring to our life. The book came out on the 22nd of September and sold out in the pre-sale, so this week we are already on the second edition. It is not just another astrology book, but a tool that helps us with the fears and blocks that we all have in our lives. What are you waiting for to go and get it?
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