A large group of young people thinks history is just a school subject and it is boring, but for a smaller group, it wakes their curiosity up because it analyses the whys of the past. Seeing history repeat itself awakens their interest. Reaffirming that the human being does not learn from their own mistakes and realizing that the past should be a roadmap instead of a bunch of events happening without consequences, makes some part of us reflect on this to be able to avoid making these same mistakes again and strengthen what already works.
José Antonio Lucero, teacher and youtuber, believes that history is fun and with his book “Why the first emojis were written in clay and other whys of history” he tells the anecdotic part of it and tries to answer other whys of history like: Why do we use emojis? Why do we prefer sweets over Swiss chard? Why do we keep our pay in a money box? But he also takes us to a walk-through history from the child and young people of each era’s point of view. I am sure I would have bought this book when I was a student. And you?
In the editorial sector, some years back, was a book series that sold a lot of copies. Its name was “Horrible Stories” and each volume told one era of history in a fun way. It was an international success, and we want to repeat it with this book that, with a renewed and modern way of a teacher and youtuber that reveals the great and small whys of history.