This week is dedicated to a book that introduces us to a new concept: LA AMBICIÓN AMABLE (“The Friendly Ambition”).
We always associate being ambitious with something negative. In fact, I looked up the definition of ambition in the dictionary and it literally says: Ambition— intense and vehement desire to achieve something difficult to attain, especially wealth, power, or fame. Linking this word only to wealth, power and fame gives it this negative touch, and makes us feel that being ambitious is bad. Anna Vicen, however, turns it into something positive by adding the word “friendly”, because being ambitious is not bad, as long as we know how to manage it.
Ambition is a charge of energy that can help us achieve our goals if we know how to channel it. Is it malicious to try to improve in life? I think not, and if you don’t have a little ambition, it is difficult to achieve results. And I’m not just talking about results related to success or fame, but in what you want to achieve in your daily life; with your partner, with your family, with your friends, even for yourself. Ambition is the gasoline that drives us to fight for what we want, but in a sustainable way, without having to step on anyone to get it: a positive force in taking that step forward in what you want, in what you desire.
The Friendly Ambition is a book that gives you the necessary tools to be an ambitious person and achieve your goals. Are you ambitious? If you are, you should read this book, because you will have tools to channel that ambition in a better way, and if you are not, you need it. So don’t hesitate and go for it. If friendly ambition existed in all aspects of our lives, the world would be a better place.