I know I have told you a lot of times about anxiety. There are a lot of books about the brain, which is a great unknow. The books about the brain have always worked very well in the market considering that people want to know more about the brain, because everything we do and everything we are depends on. It is so powerful that it gets scary but at the same time it makes us feel a great curiosity.
It is because of this that “The Brain of Happy People” by Ferran Cases and Sara Teller, published by Grijalbo, is one of my favorite titles from de catalog of 2021. A non-fiction book, fresh, that combines the experiences of Ferran Cases, who has suffered from anxiety for fifteen years, and the scientific perspective of Sara Teller, physicist and specialist in neuroscience.
“The little book of anxiety”, by Ferran Cases, has already reached its four pocket edition. His online courses are helping a lot of people to overcome this feeling of fear, terror and restlessness that a lot of us feel almost every day. If you combine Ferran Cases’ experiences with anxiety attacks, with Sara Teller’s vision from a scientific perspective, we get an amazing result: a book with the necessary tools to forget about anxiety forever.
Who has never felt anxious? When understanding how the brain works, you get a SUPERPOWER: a better understanding of how you work to be able to defeat everything that causes you anxiety, as far as possible. Such a simple thing like reading this book and apply what it proposes to you, it allows you to overcome what undermines you from the inside and does not let you enjoy the day.
This anxiety, that I named it everyday anxiety, that all of us have felt some time in our day but we disregard until the ball is so big that it is not only capable of souring your day but also your life. Can we fight it? This book gives you the keys to do it.
A vision of two young talents that put at disposition to everyone their experience from the two sides of a weighing scale, the practice and the science, to be able to enjoy every minute of our lives and we can be happy and stop having this stress sensation every day, of not be able to do everything, of not do the things wright; and in the majority of times, this sensation can transform in anxiety, and if you do not know how to stop it in a serious pathology.

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