The word coach has been used so much that some now see it as something discredited, but fortunately, the people who still have faith in coaching and professionals who are truly know that it is worth applying it to everyday life.
It is a way of living, of seeing things. Now all of us are starting a new school year and we all have fears, anguish, uncertainties, what fear what it will happen, we fear uncertainty. Many people manage these emotions without problems but some of us do not, I do not care to admit it, and to read books like Monica Esgueva’s help you to deal with these little things in life with a positive point of view, trying to listen and to take on any challenge, whether small or large, and not evade the problems but to face them and pull forward.
All of us have conflicts, but these can only be solved by facing them. So if you think that everything is difficult or you have this feeling of anguish, open your mind and to be positive and realistic with what you want to achieve and what you can do. You have to let life flow and try to live the present because, as Monica says, sometimes the strength is knowing when we have letting go things.
10 CLAVES PARA ALCANZAR TUS SUEÑOS (10 tips to achieve your dreams), the new book by Monica Esgueva, can help us in this new beginning and always, because they are 10 simple keys to retain and apply whenever we feel insecure, sad or uncomfortable. Sometimes everything is easier than it looks, but we must be aware of it. Life is an adventure that we can only live once, so we have to try to enjoy it to the maximum without leaving our obligations and problems aside. An ideal book for all kinds of reader, because we all want to be happy with what we do, and we can do it. So let’s go for it!
Thanks Monica for this book so profound and yet entertaining that leaves us many things clear. I’ll begin to apply them now to achieve my goals, both personal and professional.
“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to experience” Soren Kierkegaard.