This week I’m talking about a book that has touched my soul because I felt many times like Mara. I have never been thin, and I was a fat person who did not accept herself. I didn’t know how to dress to go to the fair in Frankfurt to sell rights from our books because I couldn’t find clothes in my size, and the ones I did find were really terrible. Luckily, nowadays, this has changed a bit, but in my teens it was a real problem (or for me it was at tha time) and the same anxiety I suffered, made me eat more and more.
Mara’s book is honest because she explains her truth, what she suffered and the consequences that led her to have zero self-esteem. However, this is a positive book because, just like the phoenix she rose again, healed and found light in a dark world. In Acepta y vuela, Mara Jimenez (also known as @croquetamente__) explains how she went from hating herself to loving herself beyond measure and that accepting herself was the first step towards her freedom. Many of you are surely already following heron social media, where she has that charisma, good humor and speaks loud and clear, with more than 386,000 followers, but reading her is such a pleasure that I can’t stop recommending you this book: you will empathize with her voice, which is totally hers. We were surprised by Mara’s talent in writing, as it is one thing to talk, which is also a gift, and the other one is to put those feelings on paper and to be able, with words, to help many people to accept themselves and to be happy. Thank you, Mara, for sharing it so beautifully and, hopefully, many people will fly with you. A book like yours would have helped me many years ago, that’s why I think it is important that it reaches as many people as possible because we are no longer talking about being fat or skinny, but about loving yourself, accepting yourself and learning to live without depending on what others think. A great lesson of life and love.