If you stay at home on vacations, reading can make you travel. The realism of a prose can take you to lots of places with your imagination, feel smells and, why not, surprise you and make you happy. There are so-called “mirror neurons” which, as their name suggests, copy the actions of other people and transform them into their own. For example, if we read that someone is walking in Paris, in our mind we will also walk there. The brain knows how to distinguish reality from fiction, but as long as we are still in France (while reading), our mirror neurons will be activated with the same intensity they would have if that was really happening.
So that you can travel with your imagination we recommend these readings, which we have already talked about in our blog during these months:
– For those who love History novels: El Legado de las cenizas and La ciudad de los muchachos.
– For those who love suspense: The books starring Marcela Pieldelobo, Los crímenes de Hamlet and Juego de silencios.
– For those who love fresh stories: Coworking.
– For those who love LGTBQ stories: Armarios y barricadas, Y que nadie sepa nada and El somriure dels dofins.
– For those who love moving stories: En el lago and El radiofonista.