Reality exceeds fiction
I want to highlight the following sentence from the back cover of this book: “Sometimes we cannot stare reality in the face, so there will be times when this novel will be uncomfortable, but it will be too late to run away”. This is really what has happened to all of us who have read EL CONFIDENT. A novel that hooks you and makes you think that if the story is based on reality, we can start running because living in Barcelona is dangerous. The streets of Barcelona will become the scene of this novel that reads like a true crime, written by a boy of the Criminal Investigation Unit.
A war for control of territory and drug trafficking in Barcelona between different criminal groups during 2016 and 2017 brought blood to the streets and filled the headlines of the press at the time. With shootouts and hired hitmen acting in a scenario of violence and power where drugs played an important role.
This reality has been the source of inspiration to write the novel that I have in my hands now. Those facts have allowed the author to create the perfect environment to explain a story of revenge, and that was born from facts as real as those that happened in our house. EL CONFIDENT is a choral novel starring several characters who, united by a past marked by pain and resentment, one day had to choose between their lives or to settle accounts: Emilio, an ex-military of the Colombian FARC with a truculent past; Raül, a father who cannot forget his son, and Esmeralda, a Colombian girl victim of the internal drug trafficking war and now infiltrated in the criminal network. The three of them will push Sergeant Elisa Codina and the foreman Jordi Carter, two members of the Catalan police who will have to fight, from very different positions, to try to put an end to the fight between the criminal groups.
Unfortunately, every day we see more news where stabbings, and even shootings are present in Barcelona; if you could talk to the writer of this novel, he could explain things where we would say that reality exceeds fiction, so I recommend you to read EL CONFIDENT where you will know the B side of a Barcelona six years ago, but where this fight was just beginning. Can you imagine where we are now? Only by delving into these pages you will be able to imagine it.