Yesterday I was enthralled by a baby that had curly blond hair and wouldn’t stop moving while his mother tried to feed him breakfast -without him falling off the chair. He watched and smiled, with that angelical face that would make anyone drool. Watching him made me think about how fast motherhood passes and how little I enjoyed it. Now, my son is almost thirteen years old and I will never relive that first stage, which I must confess -and because I wasn’t able to enjoy it-, I lived it poorly. I’m 90% certain that I wouldn’t like to relive it even if I could. But there’s that 10% that, if it knew what I know now, thinks that maybe I would have done things differently and I would have enjoyed that stage in a calmer, quieter way. The consequences would be different, most certainly, and maybe I would have even repeated.
As everything in this life, if you do what comes from your heart and you want to live everything fully, because you wish to do so, everything falls into place. Therefore, my advice to future mothers would be to live it fully from the first moment, without worrying about work, organization or fears. It’s a stage that, if you live it calmly and doing what you believe, I’m convinced it must be wonderful.
Dr.Eduard Estivill’s book SER MAMÁ: EL ANTES Y EL DESPUÉS (‘Being a mum: the before and after’), written along with Dr.Gonzalo Pin and Dr.Carlos Salvador, helps you prepare the months after giving birth, which usually are less dealt with. For me, they were the most difficult ones, because you have a tiny little person that depends on you that doesn’t come with an instruction guide, unluckily. At the same time, you, as a woman, live such physical and emotional changes that you must deal with while you learn from scratch how to take care of the thing you love most; your kid.
That’s a challenge for anyone, and because society isn’t really that helpful nowadays, we have to be superheroes to do everything right. Or assume that we aren’t, that not everything can be done perfectly, and choose what is truly important to prioritize it. That’s another difficult -but not impossible- challenge, as long as you know what you stand up for and you fight for it. To sum it up, this is a useful, practical book, and another tool to feel less alone in a situation that, at the beginning, can feel like way too much, but that if you handle it right and you follow common sense, you’ll only remember afterwards the laughter and the good times.