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Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 2 November 2017

We are celebrating Halloween, a festivity we don’t tend to celebrate here but that has gained importance and has deeply established here with the American ‘‘trick or treat’’ tradition. November the 1st is the Day of the Death, in Spain it is ‘el  Día de Todos los Santos’, day in which many families visit their death relatives and friends in the cemeteries. It’s a sad festivity surrounded by terror because of the halloweeny tradition, but that has never called my attention. It makes me sad to think about those who are not here anymore, but I must admit that the magic and witchcraft that November the 1st hides, does call my attention. That is the reason why I cannot stop suggesting the book MANUAL DE MAGIA MODERNA by KEYLAH MISSEN. A book that the author, reiki master, physiotherapist and knowledgeable of the magical arts since childhood, has created a simple and easy to manage manual, though to initiate the reader on the basic esoteric  tools, from reiki to tarot, the pendulum, numerology and many others. With it we learn how to attract beneficial spirits, how to clean our house by using the stones, how to create a favorable environment for our wishes through the magic candles and even how to get in contact with our totemic spirit. We will also find the keys to create our own magic spells and magical tools, such as pendulums and wands; prosperity rituals, of protection and love; tips on how to improve your health and on how to boost beauty. A passionate introduction on magical spells and esoteric techniques to experiment power and the joy of magic day to day.

We know through historic tradition that women who knew how to heal were called witches, and that there was a woman on TV who only by moving her nose helped anyone she bumped into. So if there exist good witches and in this manual rites are positive, aiming to strengthen the good ideals it is, therefore, a present for a night like yesterday’s to invoke that calm, justice, honesty and peace rule the world. Tuesday’s terrorist attack in Manhattan has again touched our hearts. Violence and crispation don’t bring anything other than discomfort, so maybe a magic manual to combat all of this is necessary. Maybe we don’t have the exact potion yet, but with everyone’s eagerness to believe it we are taking a massive step. Do we try?

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