This week, the last one of February, this space is focusing on children and young adult literature with a prestigious author: Ana Alcolea. She has published more than thirty titles for children and young adults and has won several prizes, such as the Cervantes Chico in recognition of her literary career. We are in front of a reputed author that this month publishes two novels: one for the little ones, THE NIGHT OF THE RED MOON published by Edebé and THE GIRLS IN THE 305 for the young adult market.
Both stories have the signature of a great author. THE NIGHT OF THE RED MOON is funny, casual, and magical. Which kid has never listened their parents say that their grandmother is a witch? Nonetheless, we think they say it in a metaphoric way. Regarding the grandmother as a witch is used instead of saying that she is evil and cruel. That summer, during the night of the red moon, strange things start to happen at home, and they start suspecting that they grandmother is a real witch, like the ones that can do magic: move things from one place to another and change the order of things. A fun parallelism that will lead to an ideal adventure for those who have already started in the world of reading.
On the other hand, THE GIRLS IN THE 305 is a novel set in the post-war era, during the last years of the dictatorship in Spain, where the historical setting is as important as the story. Six working and peasant girls live in a boarding school far from their homes and see life from a different perspective than the rest of their generation. They are the first women able to study and the know that it is their only change to thrive in life. In the middle of the school year, their teacher suggests staging a Shakespeare play: THE TEMPEST, and the environment in the female boarding school will mix with the social and political reality of the era where the desire for freedom, the exploration of their sexual orientation and first loves will be the main topics that will go along us in this novel full of reality in an era where the world was changing.
I am convinced that this novel will appeal to the young adult public, mostly women, but also their mothers and grandmothers because it is a clear crossover for those who read Edin Blyton, THE TWINS IN SAINT CLARA, I am sure they will fall in love with THE GIRLS IN THE 305.
Ana Alcolea comes back to the market with two novels for the two different fields that she knows best and where she has a lot of followers.