The end of 2019 is approaching and with it the beginning of a new year. I always feel butterflies in my stomach when I think of all that’s to come. We must indeed live the present and don’t think about tomorrow, but I’m excited about the new things we have prepared for 2020. They’re powerful projects that feature different genres and new voices. I love being able to help novice authors take their first steps in the publishing world and continue to support the affluent with their new works. My job is full of sensations and emotions and when those butterflies disappear from my stomach, it’ll mean that I’ll have to dedicate myself to something else. Today, however, I still feel those positive nerves at the thought of all those manuscripts that I have to find an editor for. That’s one of the most exciting parts of this work, and it’s the one that helps me keep wanting to fight for every author in the house.
This 2020 we will have a new project by Sílvia Tarragó, LA DOCTORA (The Doctor), a book for lovers of good women’s fiction. Roca Editorial will also bring us Roberto Lapid’s new novel, which tells us the real fictional story of Hedy Lamarr, a brilliant woman who invented Wi-Fi as we know it. EL TIGRE Y LA DUQUESA (The Tiger and the Duchess) by Jordi Soler, is a thriller that is prepared for the first months of next year and that showcases the story of the Pink Panthers, one of the most persecuted thief bands in Europe. This will be published by Columna in Catalan and Harper Collins in Spanish.
The first semester of the year will be marked by LA MAESTRA DE SÓCRATES (The Teacher of Socrates), a historical novel published by Espasa with which we will discover Laura Mas, a feminine voice who is here to stay and who will teach us that behind the philosophy of Socrates hides a woman. We will also have, in time for Sant Jordi, a new young adult written by two-star authors: Javier Ruescas and Francesc Miralles. Penguin Random House and Fanbooks are the publishing houses that will bring us their new book LOS CINCO CONTINENTES DEL AMOR (The Five Continents of Love), an original book that will catch the young and adult public. Also, throughout the year, we will receive a very special novel signed by Andrés Martín Asuero, a book about a mindfulness retirement: UNA LUZ DENTRO DE TI (A Light Inside You).
Many non-fiction books will also make a strong entrance, such as NOS ROBARON LA JUVENTUD (They Stole our Youth), by Víctor Amela, who will present us several testimonies of “la quinta del Biberón”. Also, written by Miriam Tirado, we will receive RABIETAS (Tantrums). Xenia Oliva, one of the most recognized instagramers, will present a book in which she will give us several very useful tips to be lucky: HAPPY GO LUCKY. After Cristina Benito’s success with MONEY MINDFULNESS, she repeats this year with TIME MINDFULNESS. Also, Francesc Miralles and Àlex Rovira are back; after selling more than 20,000 copies with CUENTOS PARA QUERERTE MEJOR (Stories to Love Yourself More) they return with a spiritual sequel: CUENTOS PARA NIÑAS Y NIÑOS FELICES (Stories for Happy Children).
I still have some surprises in store, because in the world of books you have to work with the time and be cautious and orderly. However, imagination has no limits and stories always appear when you least expect them. The magical part of this world is that you live in the chaos, but those of us who are hooked learn to embrace it and accept that there is no cure. So I wish that this “disease” through books could be easily transmitted to all the potential readers on the other side being constantly bombarded with massive stimuli of all kinds. Let’s go for a 2020 where books remain an essential part of our lives.