Next week UNA LUZ DENTRO DE TI (“A Light Inside You”) will be published, a novel by Andrés Martín Asuero that deals with the power of Mindfulness as its central theme. Asuero, a biologist and doctor in psychology, reinvented himself as a Mindfulness instructor. CON RUMBO PROPIO (“In One’s Own Course”) was his first book and it has a total of 25 editions in the market. This title was one of the first to explain the meaning of Mindfulness, a concept that is very present in our vocabulary today. However, it is important to mention that, although nowadays almost everyone knows what Mindfulness is, many still do not consciously apply it.
UNA LUZ DENTRO DE TI raises fundamental questions to transform one’s life and teaches us how to find the answers within, with the help of silence and meditation. Dedicated to caring for others, Olga feels a void in her life and decides to go on a Mindfulness retreat in Silence to find out the reasons for her dissatisfaction. For his part, Manuel receives from his ex-wife for his 50th birthday an inscription for this same experience. Through practice and conversations with his teacher, day by day each one discovers the gifts and obstacles of full attention, which will take their lives to a totally unexpected crossroads.
UNA LUZ DENTRO DE TI is an entertaining and fascinating introduction to the world of Mindfulness through a story that traps the reader from beginning to end. In this title, Andrés presents us with the necessary tools that we will all need to overcome the future emotional and economic crisis that we will experience once this quarantine ends. In short, UNA LUZ DENTRO DE TI is a book that comes at an essential time and opens the doors to Mindfulness for all those who want to enter.