“Emptiness is the fullness of possibilities. Your great opportunity”, said the magician. A girl who decided not to begin to talk; a famous architect that, alter a strange kidnapping, lost everything he had and found what he would have never imagined; a lonely doctor that thought he had knocked down a white cat and discovered in a park the simple value of truth; or a woman who escape from sadness and woke up an autumn afternoon in a forest, embracing a hurt bear who teach her how to cry.
This is a journey to those who have decided to know. Here you have “El cuaderno del mago” (“The Magician's Notebook”). His magic arrives to you linked with the lives of men and women you may already know o you are just to know. This is the train of life, the questions and answers that the magician has decided to tell in order to cure. In order to help. Here there is his secret. Those who know him say that happiness waits somewhere in the notebook. You only need to know how to see it. And make it yours. The adventure begins. Publisher in Spanish by and in Catalan by Columna.