Anguish, nervousness, worry, panic, we’ve all been affected by anxiety sometime. Not for nothing is one of the most common mental conditions in the West, which can be presented as a simple nuisance but which sometimes turns into a huge black cloud that prevents us from living as we want.
Ferran Cases, an anxiety expert, invites us to explore the patterns that lead us to feel anxiety and teaches us how to change them. All this in small, affordable steps, which the author represents in the form of a scale of stages to be overcome. Step by step, will we learn to breathe, to calm our inner voice and to control catastrophic thoughts, to collide with the importance of physical exercise or mindfulness, to cultivate habits that will allow us to move forward? The way out of anxiety is to get to know ourselves and to change our way of interpreting the world, and you just have to have the courage to take the first step. In this new, completely revised and enlarged edition, Cases includes new exercises and five additional steps which, based on Stoic philosophy, will help us conquer the art of true happiness.