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Genre: Historic Novel
Topic: Fiction
Number of pages:

In the middle of the 14th century, Barcelona still suffers the aftermath of the great plague. During this period of uncertainty and power vacuum, a group of women combats the implementation of Roman law, an important retreat from the laws that governed their ancestors.
L’Alexia, daughter of a merchant; la Ròmia, slave; la Genebre, nun of Sant Pere de Puel·les; la Caterina, apprentice painter; la Llorença, widow of a glassmaker; la Marta, weaver, and la Sança, capellera, will join together to raise another Barcelona where it is possible to light a new fire that will once again light the city. Many, anchored in a world that ends, will want to turn it off.
Meanwhile, Alexia’s brother Narcissus, a disciple of the painter Ferrer Bassa, will try to find meaning in his artistic concerns. He and Catherine will found the House of Obradors, a project aimed at putting into value new initiatives based on each other’s abilities. Everyone will have a place and can be both an apprentice and a teacher.
Fire lights, but also burns and leaves ashes. Ash contains the memory of what it has been and, if it falls into good shelter, it can be a seed of the future.
The legacy of the ashes is an exciting and inspiring story of fighting, of women able to show us that the essentials are indestructible.

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