A fighter for freedom trapped in Spain without horizons of the post-war period. A mysterious book that, even though there was censorship, recalls the revolutionary atmosphere of 1936. Three men fall in love with the same woman… And a search that will end up changing them all.
For Adela fitting in provincial León society, in the closed and suffocating of a village in the mountains or in the grey Madrid of debris is painful. She doesn’t adapt to a life of suspicion, to be looked at the corner of one’s eyes or to always keep her guard up in front of informers while her people is consumed in the guerrilla or put on the Regime mask and ask for <<special tee>> in the more frequented coffee shops.
For her, that was born in the working Barcelona class and had fight in the defense of the city for a fairer and more equal world, the worst is the imposture, and to that she doesn’t adapt. The wish of revelation in the teacher, in the impulsive reader, in the couturier, in the imperfect mother, in the woman that saw how her life in the Pirineus was truncated one day of the fateful year the war was lost.
Adela never got to comprehend what happened that day. Until she starts to find answers in the least expected place: the pages of the romantic novel A stain of carmine. The hidden clues in the story seem to contain an invitation to get back the colors of that dreamed revolution. But which margin will the teacher victim of reprisal have left to fight por a better society?
Through Adela, Carmen, Mercedes, Federica Montseny, Ana Alonso brings us a world corseted of the women of the post-war era and to the white and black Spain from the 1940’s, full of <<secrets, masks, shown lies and hidden truths>>.