Catalunya in the middle of a cold wave, Pascal Neige must find out who has killed Michel Aubriot, one of the last survivors of the Lyonnaise mafia that his father run and now he does with her sisters and lover. At the same time, he must control that all of those who cultivate marijuana in the country pay their fee. Pascal is going to live a crazy week if he wants to keep the smile of the cheetahs.
After “The land of twilight”, “Where the grass never grows” and “The empire of the lions” (the later winner of the Valencia Negra prize as the best Catalan novel), Sebastià Bennasar comes back to the collection «crims.cat» and offers a new story of the Neige family and its criminal gang. An addictive, violent, sexual novel that mixes with efficiency the brutality of the series like Gangs of London with the best literary tradition of the noir genre in our country.