An insurance company, owned by a foreign investor, is suffering an irreversible crisis. High-level executives, with spectacular wages, cannot even keep afloat a ship that is sinking progressively.
When the caretaker dies by a heart attack, a new person is hired, an ignorant rough man who likes giving advices. At the beginning, Próspero –that’s his name- is the target for all king of jokes and mockeries because of his provincial ways, his lack of education and his low salary: he earns half of the wages than the second person worst paid in the company. However, he will proof he is wealthiest showing what is left for all the workers after he had rested all their earnings and expenses.
Soon the caretaker gets the fame of giving “golden advices”, and middle and high positions from all departments of the company increasingly stop by the reception to obtain “the caretaker’s gold”. He, in a subtle way, is regenerating the company from the bottom up to get back its profitability.