Shakespeare para enamorados is a Shakesperian therapy for the longing heart.
Among all the great authors in world literature, none studied the mysteries of love and treated the matters of the heart in such depth and from such a lucid perspective as William Shakespeare. His works and poems are still today a powerful tool to understand the boundless secrets of our heart. From love at first sight to disappointment, from the first kiss to impossible love, from commitment to jealousy, Shakespeare para enamorados draws the Shakespearian science of love from the stage and verse anthologies in order to shed light over our daily lives and finally give answer to questions such as: Why are there people who have no luck in the matters of the heart? How may the longing heart be treated? Can someone live a lifelong romance? What is the secret of seduction? How to fight against the jealousy? In conclusion, Shakespeare para enamorados is a fresh and incredibly inspiring book for those who take love very seriously.