The novel about the life of Hedy Lamarr, an invaluable woman in the history of the 20th century.
Friedrich “Fritz” Mandl is a young austrian who takes over his father’s destroyed arms factory at the age of 19. In just a decade, he amassed one of the largest fortunes on the planet. He is rich, eccentric, powerful, womanizer, and cunning. A surreal character, adored and feared by many. During the pre-war period, in the 1930s, its clients list included Mussolini, Hitler and Franco, among others. His close friends included names such as Truman Capote, Hemingway, Orson Welles, Eva Perón and General Perón.
In 1933, when he saw the movie Ecstasy, where the actress Hedwig Kiesler performs the first complete female nude and the first orgasm on the big screen, he falls in love with her.
Hedy, was a beautiful and gifted young woman, a student of engineering and theater. He also had a life full of lovers. After filming Ecstasy, she marries Fritz and they live an unbridled passion; But then, due to infidelity and jealousy, the relationship takes a dangerous turn. He locks her in his castle in Salzburg, where he organizes events, meetings and business with politicians, businessmen and judges.
Hedy manages to escape and thus begins his flight across Europe. On board an ocean liner bound for New York, he meets Louis B. Meyer, president of Metro Goldwyn Meyer; Before even reaching their destination, they sign a contract and she becomes Hedy Lamarr, the most beautiful woman in the cinema, who will succeed as a famous actress in Hollywood.
But Hedy is not only beauty and glamor, she is also power, intelligence and work. In addition to cultivating her career as an actress, she studied engineering and invented and patented a communications system to remotely guide torpedoes and ensure contacts between the allies during the war. The system we use today to communicate with mobile phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS is based on this technology.
A true story that takes place between a Europe at war, the United States and Argentina.