The purpose of a couple is learning to transform together, growing much more than what one can do separately.
The only place where love is painted pink is in fairy tales where princes and princesses are destined to live happily ever after. In real life love is tinged with many more colors and shades … Today abundant brown, gray and black. Proof of this is the epidemic of separations and divorces are reaping everywhere. The current model is outdated, becoming a constant source of conflict, struggle and suffering. It is time to reinvent love and marriage. The challenge is to understand the true needs and motivations of the two people involved in a relationship to become a better version.
Ni felices ni para siempre (Neither happy nor forever) is not a book of recipes sterile or useless advice. It is rather a provocation for modern couples to confront the fear and ignorance that prevents them from creating a new way of relating, enjoying the love of conscience, maturity, responsibility and freedom.