“The southern breeze blows in the mountains of the Aran Valley. The Cachou bear gently awakens from hibernation, very little by little. The first thing he is aware of is the clear and intense smells that the fresh mountain air infiltrates to the bottom of the cave. They are pleasant. […] The smells have awakened his appetite, and he feels the urge to go in search of food and water.”
On April 9, 2020, the body of the Cachou bear appeared lifeless on a mountain in the Aran Valley. At first the death was attributed to an accident, but a call to the forestry police agents changed everything: Cachou could have been poisoned. The judicial investigation that opened next is the first to be deployed into the death of a protected animal, and has focused on the controversial reintroduction of the brown bear in the Pyrenees and on an organized plot that would have collaborated in the removal of an inconvenient animal.
The journalist David Marín has immersed himself in the existing documentation, he has interviewed the various people involved and, finally, he has recreated in an exciting chronicle all the events that led to the death by poisoning of the ill-fated Cachou – a case that is already in the final phase of the judicial investigation.