Scott is 27 years old and the only thing he can brag until now is to have failed in each and every aspect of his life. After giving up two degrees, he has passed through different jobs without taking roots in any of them. Love has been a constant failure for him, too. Since his last girlfriend abandoned him, Scott feels his life as an endless desert. With his self-esteem on minimum, he is forced to accept a simple –and apparently- underpaid job in his own building. Since the first day, the hermit-like tenant of the attic will ask Scott to play snakes and ladders with him, which Scott has not played since he was a kid. Very soon, Scott will discover that the elder man uses the squares of the board to give him essential lessons – one every morning- for his life. This simple pastime (created by the Greek soldiers during the Troy’s siege) will help Horace teach Scott the keys of the art of living and how to repair those mistakes that led him to failure until now. While the mornings pass by among coffees, rounds and conversations, Scott will begin to understand the cause and effect that has given shape to his present. However, Horace will also advise him that knowing the rules of the game is not enough. Once you be aware of the tramps and dangers, the labyrinths and shortcuts, you must be brave enough to move forward the board of life with courage and sense of adventure.