«Life is what happens here and now».
A full book of reflections and Anne’s learnings Igartiburu for every day of #the any.viure is not a static thing. The life destroys and constructs with each breath, with each tictac, with each commence the day and each small gesture. Therefore, this book is an ideal partner at the quest of existing. Inside it, you’ll find 366 reflections that invite you at conscious being of who want to being at each moment, at being more near you same and at living more intensely the present. Anne Igartiburu, communicator for more of two decades, is one of the most loved television presenters of our country. During the last years she has exerted an impressive labor of divulging at the field of the emotional wellbeing, one of her big passions at which she has formed with some of the best professionals of distinct areas. Her meetings with experts at psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience or philosophy at his distinct canals of diffusion and at his Podcast My Beat of More have awarded him big recognition. At this book wants to share some of his more esteemed learnings fruit of this work.