Nowadays happiness is a main topic in all the conversation. However, there still are reticence when it comes to talking seriously about the topic of laugh and live. It is as if the important things should be done in a condescending way and the vital topics treated with the maximum rigour and seriousness. Well, no. This book is dedicated to those who one day kept their natural joy in a safe place, and they can not find the key. That joy still exists, just because of being alive, and it deserves to get to the surface and fill the world with love. Sounds corny? May be. But I promise you that there is no antidote more potent, against any threat, that the force of love.
Which place does humour sense hold in your life? And laughter? And the smiles? Inma Rabasco, in Laugh and live, she shows you how to put these three pillars of joy in the highest podium in your life.