En la piel del otro follows of two young people’s lives from early 1971 to the present. On the one hand, Ramona Marquès, left by a revolutionary who disappears from her life when she’s pregnant. And, on the other, Mireia Ferrer, daughter of fighter Tomàs Ferrer, for the memory of the deportees and founder of the ‘Memòria i Llibertat’ association. Mireia marries Manuel, a national undercover policeman from who she will have to hide to avoid being victim of gender violence.
But Ramona won’t settle for the fate that awaits a single mother with no family in those years, and will decide to falsify her mother’s history and create a record in the file of the association, identifying her as a deportee. This she will reach her goal: manage the association and become a spokeswoman omnipresent figure in the public sphere and spokesman for the suffering of the real victims of Francoism. Ramona will build a whole life and a part of history based in nothing more than a lie.