Rights sold
Castellano: Destino
Catalán: Destino
Ruso: Eksmo
Rumano: Humanitas
Turco: Indigo Kitap
Holandés: J.M. Meulenhoff
Hindi: MyMirror
Maratí: MyMirror
Griego: Patakis
Inglés: Scholastic USA
Vietnamita: Tan Viet
Rumano: Humanitas
Árabe: Jarir Book Store
Malayés: DC Books
Tailandés: Nationbook
Genre: Non-Fiction YA
Topic: Non-fiction
Number of pages:
According to the Japanese, everyone has an ikigai, a reason to exist. Some people have found and are aware of it; others take it in, but they are still looking for it. This is one of the secrets for a long, young, and happy life such as the life of the inhabitants of Okinawa, the longest-lived Island in the world. This is the edition for young people, illustrated. Japan’s secrets for the young people to grow happily. It is a practical guide to discovering and developing one’s talent and vital proposition and finding the secret of happiness.
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