The revolutionary invention of a young blind boy who saw what others could not. Coia Valls’ most ambitious work to date reveals the moving story behind the creator of the Braille system. A memorable novel about personal triumph that recalls Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt and, at the same time, Dickens’ Oliver Twist, with which it shares a heart-warming emphasis on family.
The youngest of a family of leather workers, Louis Braille suffers an accident that will gradually cause him to lose his sight in both eyes. However, driven by his own tenacity and the tenacity of those around him, the young boy refuses to give into despair and chooses instead to pursue a path of adventure and discovery that will take him far beyond anything his contemporaries would have dared imagine. Louis Braille grows up in the first half of the nineteenth century, a time of hope and rebellion, when turbulent currents are running through his native France. His life is a journey of light and darkness, of freedom and oppression, of health and infirmity. His is the touching story of how ingenuity can overcome a lack of resources. Coupvray, Paris, Limoges and Vichy set the stage for Louis Braille’s struggle, the struggle of a man of humble origins to discover the key that would enable the blind to cast off their chains and to discover the key to his own happiness as well.