By the successful author of Alma de gato (A Cat's Soul), already on its third edition.
In a world where low cost flights have put any distance within reach, this guide proposes travelling to the most unexplored territory of all: our inner self.
An exhaustive revision to the main techniques of self-knowledge and personal development. In a time like ours, when we have access to almosty any corner in the planet, we still have vast seas, indomitable grounds and mysterious caves left to explore: the interior territory.
El turista interior (The Inner Tourist) offers us, for the first time, the necessary charts to set out on this exciting journey with unknown destination: an exhaustive manual that includes the main methods to experience the altered states of conscience, that is to say, changes of perception that allow he human being to trascend his or her senses and glance into the most secret regions of the mind. From self-hypnosis, self-suggestion and even psychic projection, up to chamanic trips, lucid sleep, the mantras or the Tibetan bowls, Ruth Berger offers an exhaustive description of the history, skills and final destination of the methods used throughtout history by the most intrepid tourists to penetrate the strangest and most inaccessible territory: the inner self.