Year 27 b.C. While the Roman army fights to set peace in the villages on the north of Iberia, Emperor Caesar Augustus settles in Tarraco, from where he exerts power and runs all the Empire.
The cosy city, cradle of sea and land of olive trees, soon has its calm daily rhythm mixed up. Among the ups and downs of constructions ordered by the emperor with the aim of turning it the most splendid city of Mediterranea, evil conspiracies take place, caused by the thirst of richness and power.
Only the old doctor Perthus will able to remember, after some years, the cruel facts that shook the city. The murder by treachery of governor Manni and the imprisonment of young Sul·la were just the beginning of a long series of lies, intrigues and injustices. Time, however, always reveals the truth in the end.
From Tarraco to Ilerda, passing by Baetulo and the mountain of Ausa, “El somni de Tarraco” goes vividly into the splendid past of Roman Catalonia. A vibrating novel that allows readers to know a fundamental period of the History.