“El Rey del Maestrazgo” tells the store of the last months of life of General Ramón Cabrera, known as “El Tigre de Maestrazgo”, because of his harshness and shrewdness in the combat during the first Carlist War. Sicken of the civil confrontations, Cabrera remembers the years he fought with the carlists, when the applicant Carlos María Isidro de Borbón faced the regent queen, Maria Cristina, because of the throne’s succession after Fernando VII’s death.
The general’s memories get mixed with the telling of historical facts: the mutiny of the sergeants in La Granja (sevilla), that re-established the Contitution of 1812; the attack to the Ciudadela of Barcelona and the slaughter of the prisoners that were there; the Carlist Royal Expedition, that was on the point of entering Madrid and win the war; the palace’s intrigues and the part of the secret services in both sides, whit whom participated people as Eugenio de Aviraneta. A story, both literary and historical, about one of the most convulsed periods of Spanish History.
Published in Spanish by Martínez Roca