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castellano: Ediciones B


Genre: Historic Novel
Topic: Fiction
Number of pages: 458

For centuries, the descendants of the Essene community have tried to keep hidden Jesus' last gift … until now.

 Cècil, an auditor of humanitarian projects in the third world, gets involved in a business related to antiquities traffic that will take him after the steps of Azul Benjelali, a former lover of his and an expert in ancient languages, who is about to discover the secret that has remained silent for thousands of years.

With Mars's help, a mysterious Colombian, Cècil starts a race against the clock that will led him from one clue to another following the Essenes, the Romans, the Templars, the Almogavers, the Bourbon troops and the Nazis. This adventure will thrill the reader right from the first page following the jigsaw spread in the plot that protagonists will have to solve before the secret falls into the wrong hands.

The eternal fight of men to control his time, the ambition and the generosity, the hope and the fear, two sides of human nature struggling against each other for two thousand years.

The readers of the genre will not be disappointed with this book and its mix of detective suspense, contemporary mysteries and well documented stories.

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