El botiquín de la bruja
After “Manual de Magia Moderna” and “Magia Lunar”, Keylah Missen offers us a manual of natural magic with potions, spells and rituals with plants. Folklore, legends and plants are magical. Witches, healers, shamans and priestesses use them to prepare their remedies, potions and rituals. Plants – with their linked souls and spirits – are complete organisms that are part of that whole in which we are included and, therefore, we are interconnected with them. Although modern medicine and its medicines come from the synthesized properties of plants, these are not pigeonholed into a single capacity, but have a complementary character capable of helping us in multiple situations, as a holistic whole. For this reason, this book is not a botanical dissertation, nor does it dive fully into the world of phytotherapy, but invites us to work from intuition and interconnection with common plants that most of us know, inviting us to explore our habitat and the vegetation of our personal universe.