On that afternoon of June, when Clea Ross and Otto Stephens arrived at the retirement home of Buenavista, nobody could presume that they were carrying more than the weight of their age on their backs. Neither Clea or Otto, nor even Ilona, the young keeper who was taking care of them by their express request, managed to conceive what would bring to their life the next three months.
Three months and three souls yearning for affection. A cello and two old adventurers, Clea and Otto, rebelling like two kids against boredom, aiming risk, life and truth. A mystery and a young woman, Ilona, who is scared and doubtful because does not know if she will be able to bear all the pain that her secret may produce. El alma del mundo is a novel about the second chances. It is a great love story and also a great story about love: love for music and for life.