If you decide and venture to sail these pages, you will discover a universe as wonderful as disconcerting. Quantum theory is one of the most beautiful and astonishing of sciences. The rules it follows are mad in comparison to our daily life. They are counter-intuitive. As we sink into the quantum world, our beliefs about reality and our common certainties are questioned.
Sonia Fernández-Vidal — writer and PhD in Quantum Physics — and Francesc Miralles — writer and journalist — invite us to an amusing breakfast where Newton, Einstein, Heisenberg and other famous physicians will also be in attendance. Among muffins, toasts, orange juice and coffee, we will embark on a fascinating and revealing journey towards the origins of the universe. We will learn what a particles accelerator is used for, what God’s particle is, how things can be in two places at the same time… and we even will try to understand the mysteries of existence.