The lives of Víctor, Martina, Lauren, Abril, and Max are going adrift. Because of that, when destiny joins their paths, they don’t let it go… and found The Castaways Clan: a piece of solid ground where they can share their doubts and hopes, grow up, beat their ghosts, and even fall in love.
However, they don’t constitute a compact and unbreachable breakwater; they are five independent blocks… and quite different form each other. Like in an impossible sculpture, one on top of the other, they hold on by chance, facing the wind.
Víctor is languishing this Sunday afternoon on the subway. With nothing better to do, he travels it back and forth, seeking inspiration to write a poem with the name of every station. At one of the stops he spots, for the second time, Lauren—a downcast girl who lets the subway go by without stepping on. Leaving his project aside, Víctor gets out of the train to inquire after her, and finds that she is standing on the platform as an exercise against the anxiety she has been suffering from for the last six months. During a later date, the meet Max, Lauren, and Martina, who have their own reasons to feel excluded from the world. These souls apparently so different will soon found a clan where impossible dreams are discussed, confidences told, and Love begins to draw the string.