Knowing how to feel
In this week’s blog I talk about the novelty of our author Míriam Tirado, a reference in the world of conscious education. With her book Rabietas, she has already helped many families on how to deal with this big problem, as well as with Limits, her second book, she has made us aware of how vital it is to set limits and to know when and how to do it for the education of children, to help them to become solid teenagers and adults. Personally, I am a fan of Miriam, and I wish I had known her like this when my son was little, because everything would have been easier for me, I am convinced. For this reason I understand that many of you who are parents follow Míriam in everything she does.
Now she publishes TO FEEL, a book where she talks about emotions, a great topic as well. I have it all underlined, because I confess that I am very emotional, and nobody ever taught me how to manage my emotions, and many times I had a bad time. Míriam helps us to understand many things with this book, because she talks about emotions, and she names them: anger, jealousy, fear, longing, but also envy, calm, happiness and joy. I would have loved it if when I was a child someone had explained to me how these emotions are experienced and helped me to know how to manage them. This book makes us aware of how we get along with each emotion and, through knowing how we get along with each of them, we will be able to know why we react as we react when we feel them, and why we accompany them as we accompany them when others feel them. (These are Míriam’s words in her Instagram. They are so well linked, that I reproduce them as they are, because it cannot be better explained).
In addition, TO FEEL is a practical book, with exercises related to each emotion, which will help you put theory into practice, which is always the most complicated thing to do, since many readers miss how to apply what they have read to their daily lives once they have read books that we call “self-help”. TO FEEL is a complete book, so that you have tools to teach the little ones, but also to know yourself, to understand the child you were and the adult you have become and, above all, to understand those around you and the reason for their reactions. Understanding your children, your partner, your parents and even your clients can help you to make everything easier, to not make a big deal out of nothing and to learn that you can feel sad and angry and that it’s okay, that you must accept it and know how to deal with it.
I know that a lot has been said about emotions, but not as Míriam does, because she is a great communicator, apart from being an excellent writer. When I finish her books, the first reaction is peace, the second one is “I’m going to keep this book on my bedside table with everything I have underlined” and the third one is to say: “THANK YOU, MÍRIAM!