One of my favorite books is THE NEVERENDING STORY by Michael Ende. Atreyu was trying to save fantasy and I loved that idea. What would we do without fantasy? The same thing would happen if we didn’t have imagination. Imagination is power. One of the good things about being a child is that we don’t put up barriers to what we imagine, and sometimes we even strongly believe in what our imagination whispers to us. It is true that letting our imagination fly free is to be able to feel free, and that is why I believe that when we grow older, we limit ourselves don’t letting that imagination work and almost without realizing it, we eliminate it. Reason becomes that which takes the reins of our everyday life, and leaves no room for dreams, but nothing and nobody should stop us in this sense.
For this reason, the new illustrated book by Ana Alcolea, SERES FANTÁSTICOS, published by Grupo Anaya, brings us closer to those beings who accompanied us as children in stories, movies or in our imagination, and with whom we discovered fantastic worlds. From the nymphs and gnomes to Frankenstein, Yeti and Dracula, all these magical beings are present in this book where Ana explains who they are, what they played, did and liked. Don’t you think it is fun to share this reading with the little ones of the house? Remembering these characters who, managed to scare us to the bone, others made us feel tender… and we might not even know some of them, but we can discover them together. An ideal book to give as a present this Christmas and to discover, as a family, that fantastic beings never fade away, because those of us who do not stop imagining, feed them. Therefore, let us encourage our children to dream, to live endless and fantastic stories, so that, as in Ende’s book, these magical beings do not stop breathing.