A friend once told me that her mother always said to her: “Anything that doesn’t add up in your life, it detracts from it”. And ever since it’s been one of my mottos. However, one can add up in many ways and areas. Most people may think only this regarding our professional life, which can also be true, but for me adding up means to provide, to give, to help, and that, besides achieving it in the workplace, it’s really important in your personal life. If you try to live with this attitude, you’re going to do everything without thinking and you’ll manage to be happy, which is what we all must try: to be happy and do what we love so we can enjoy this life, which goes by so quickly. We must squeeze each second with smiles, share it with our friends, and listen to ourselves more so we can do what we really want to do.
Nika Vázquez’s book, APORTA O APARTA, is a pleasant book where the author will give you guidelines to be an ‘adder’ or a ‘provider’ and thus, manage to live happily, which is not that easy because she thinks that some people fear that. It causes them a kind of dizziness to enter the bubble of happiness and start enjoying life and seeing all the positive aspects in each situation. Therefore, with clear and simple exercises, this book provides us the do’s and dont’s rules to enjoy our life without double-thinking too much. A useful book for everyone, because we’ll feel identified in several of the cases that Nika explains.
Life is a rollercoaster, but we can’t get off it, we must learn to control it and enjoy the ride. So, like everyone, we all have moments of doubt, of panic, because we see a slope too steep or one without brakes. I’m sure this book will help you put everything into place and live a life in which there’s no need for complicated things; you just have to trust yourself and what is that you can add up, so that everything is easier. The good thing is that YES YOU CAN.