I like and love myself a lot
When I discovered Mara Jiménez on social networks, I loved her spontaneity and how she told her life without any concealment on social networks. Many of the things she explained felt like she was talking about me, because I always suffered from weight problems, which were a torment in my adolescence. Mara, with her story, reminded me how bad I had it and how good it would have been to have a book like hers to give me a hand when I needed it most. It would have been my lifeline. The book is alive and I am aware that it is helping many people, which was Mara’s goal, but we all want to ask Mara one more question: “How do I do it, where do I start?”. In her second book, MORE ME THAN EVER, she tries to answer us by explaining everything she knows, what she has used and is using to walk the path to herself, how she has learned to love herself. A map, a road map to guide you to your inner self and to always find your light in spite of any darkness. Liking yourself is not easy, and not only fat people suffer from this, but we have always been the target of many. And the thing is not to be fat or skinny, but to accept and love yourself as you are.
Mara gets naked in her books and tries to normalize fatness, which should already be normalized, according to my point of view, and that is not the same as encouraging it. I think this is very clear, even though some people want to manipulate it. She tries, always from love, to give tools to people who want to listen to her and who, in addition, are already fans of a person like her. As I said, it would have been great for me to have Mara in my life, and I am happy to have her in the agency, because she is a brave, altruistic person and a necessary loudspeaker so that people who live in the shadows, suffering, can see a little light. Thank you, Mara, for your sincerity, honesty and sympathy, and for sharing your experience in such a clear and beautiful way in these two books.